
Monday, September 24, 2012

Our First Fall Walk

The three of us enjoyed a nice, fall walk last week.  It was kind of chilly and the sky looked quite ominous while we were on it, but we made it home before a major storm/downpour.  

 HA!  Stop taking pictures mommy!!!
We stopped at Kilwin's for a delicious turtle caramel apple and then pretty much ran home to beat the storm.  We are looking forward to many more fall walks during my maternity leave! :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

3 Month Photo Shoot

Our amazing friend Tiffany came over yesterday to take Finley's 3 month pictures.  Tiffany is incredibly talented at photography.  She captured some great moments of our girl.  What a huge difference from her newborn pics.  We just can't believe how fast time flies!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


 Ok, so she can't really reach the floor on the lowest setting, so we had to improvise.
 She is starting to realize she can touch and grab things with her hands... She just hasn't quite figured out how to do it yet.  But, she REALLY wants to :)
 Love those lips :)

3 Months Old!

Our sweet, little girl is already 3 months old.  The last 3 months have been the best of our lives.  We so enjoy every minute of the day now that Finley is a part of our family.  We can't believe how much she has changed and grown.  She is such a happy girl and it seems like she hits a new milestone weekly.
 She wasn't 'feeling' the photo shoot at first. 
 HA!  I love this face.
 Just loungin' on the numbers.
Our smiley, happy girl.  
This month she has started to 'talk' a TON!  She responds to her dad and I like we are having a real conversation.  It cracks us up.  It is amazing how we already start to see her little personality coming out.  She is able to sit in her Bumbo seat now and has become more successful at tummy time.  She is started to laugh (especially at her daddy).  She loves getting 'raspberries' blown on her tummy.  She continues to love bath time and laughs when we rub her belly with a washcloth.  She is mostly in 6 month clothing.  She weighs around 12.8 pounds (unofficially as she doesn't have a wellness check this month) and is somewhere around 24-25 inches long (again, I did the measuring, so likely not that accurate).  She also had her first experience with her Jumperoo!  She loves to put things in her mouth and has been drooling like crazy.... Perhaps it could be the first stages of teething?!?!  She continues to sleep well at night.  She is sleeping roughly 9-10 hours a night.  She went through a growth spurt a week ago and was getting up once to eat per night for about 4 nights, but she is now back to sleeping right on through til' morning.  This month we have also transitioned her to taking all of her naps in her crib.
Today is the first day of my maternity leave and I feel so blessed to be able to spend the next 6 weeks with her.  My goal before I go back to school is to get her on a specific napping schedule and get her to nap longer than 30-60 minutes at a time.  We can't wait to see what her 4th month brings!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Nap Projects :)

 I keep myself quite busy while Finley is napping.  I found this frame at Hobby Lobby on clearance for $11, but it was brown.  I had white spray paint in the basement.  After a couple of coats and adding Finley's name to it along with some ribbon....

 It became a great hair pretty holder for Finley's room :)
Four years ago, there was only an M and J on my wall.  Three years ago it became 'our' wall and we added the 'C'.
 Now it is complete with the letter 'F'  :)

Go Pack Go!

It's finally here!  The first week of NFL football.  Finley got all decked out for the Packers game.  Daddy is a little peeved that Mommy has chosen the Packers as her favorite team, but let's face it.  There was basically NO chance she was going to be raised cheering for the Lions!
 Like mother, like daughter.
 Packers gear from head to toe
Daddy, you like the Lions?!  Shame on you!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Our first Fall walk

 OK, so it isn't technically Fall yet, but it felt just like a chilly, Fall morning when we woke up today.  We called our friend Tina and decided to walk to Starbucks for a yummy pumpkin spice latte.  We ended up walking around Lake Geneva and enjoyed the sunshine and cool breeze.
 All bundled up her sweater.
 I took Finley out to admire the fountain by The Riviera at the lakefront.  She enjoyed looking at and listening to the running water.
 The walk tired our little peanut out :)

Loungin' Around

Finley is getting so strong!  She is able to sit in her Bumbo seat without assistance.  This makes me and daddy laugh because she can't/won't lift her head at tummy time, but is able to sit just fine with the assistance of the seat.  Hopefully she can lift her head soon on her tummy.  She is stubborn like her mom and dad.  I am sure she plans to do things at her own pace. :)   
All that I could think was 'She can sit up in her chair just in time to watch the Packer game with me tomorrow.'  LOL ;)