
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

2 weeks old!

 I love her facial expression in this picture.  She isn't sure whether to smile or cry.  2 seconds after the flash went off, she cried like crazy!
Our sweet little pumpkin.  She changes every day!  I don't want to wish this time away because she is only little once, but I do love watching her grow and change!

Finley's First Walk

 The weather wasn't terribly hot the day before Cory had to go back to work, so we took advantage.  Finley loves to go for walks.  It puts her right to sleep :)
My sweet girl and I after our walk.  I survived after not exercising much in the past 10 months.  We have been on 3 more walk since then.  She enjoys it and I have enjoyed getting outside for some fresh air and a change of scenery!

Ava and the Passe Family come for a visit

 Ava enjoyed getting to meet Finley.  She REALLY wanted to hold her, so later on we let her 'hold' her :)
Ava meeting Finley for the first time.  They will no doubt be great buds in the future!

Finley and Oliver!

 Finley got to meet her cousin Oliver last week.  Oliver is 3 days older than Finley.  They will have many fun times together in the future!
 Finley also got to meet her Auntie Becci :)
 Oliver looks just like his daddy!
Cory and I with our newest nephew!

Finley meets Great-Great Aunt Lois

 Finley got to meet her great-great Aunt Lois on Father's day.  I think they will be great friends :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Finley, Unleashed!

The day Finley arrived, my cousin Kati sent me a text before I delivered that said, 'If the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has anything to say about it, you're having a girl, named Finley today.' 
 This article and headline was on the front page of the sports section on Finley's birthday.
 LOVE this :)
We didn't name her after the Green Bay Packers player, Jermichael Finley (as many of you know Cory is a Lions fan, so that wouldn't have worked)... We did find it fitting that this was the headline on the day she arrived in the world!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Finley's First Bath

 She wasn't the biggest fan of her first bath, but once we got her ducky towel on her, she was once again our happy girl!

 Afterwards her and Daddy and a little 'skin-to-skin' snuggle time to warm her up.  She LOVED it!
Love her face :)

Welcome Home Finley!!!

 She looks so little in her car seat.  We were released to come home the day after Finley arrived.  We were very eager to get home with our precious peanut.
 I went into the house before Cory so I could say hi to Buffett and pay him some attention.  Cory followed with Finley...
 ...and the two of them got to meet for the first time.  Buffett does seem sad/depressed, but we are hoping that once he gets used to having Finley around he will get back to being himself.  He is very protective of her and doesn't like when she cries.
 My parents found these signs to rent on their way down here to meet Finley.  It is made out of an old barn door. They rented this one and it was waiting for us in our yard when we arrived home.

Grandpa Reid made us boneless 'baby' back ribs, with sweet 'baby' Ray's BBQ sauce, glazed 'baby' carrots, and mashed 'baby' red potatoes for our first meal home with Finley! :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Finley is 1 day old!

My friend Andrea made these amazing photo blocks for us.  We plan to use them for her monthly photos.  They are adorable and we just had to use them in the hospital to commemorate her 1 day old birthday!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


 Grandma Kelly had a big week!  Finley's cousin Oliver was born 3 days before her! 
 Our wonderful friends Nikki, Tiffany, and Andrea came to visit us and showered Finley with lots of wonderful 'girly' outfits!
 Uncle Lee thought Finley was pretty cute!
Auntie Lauren loves her SO much!

Finley has SO many more people to meet including her daddy's sisters and her mommy's brother.  Also, lots of cousins, friends, aunts, and uncles!

Introducing Finley Brooks Cooper

 Finley was welcomed to the world on June 10, 2012 at 12:12pm.  She was facing 'sunny-side-up' so they had to use vacuum suction to get her out after I had pushed for a little over an hour. 
 Her very proud daddy is cutting her umbilical cord.
 Footprints for her certificate from the hospital.
 Perfect, little peanut at 7 lb. 3 oz. and 19.5 inches
 Getting her first bath in the hospital!
 She was doing some 'cheek' flexing while in the warmer.
 Stretching out her perfect little toes

Saturday, June 9, 2012: 40 Weeks

OK, so technically this picture was taken on Friday (just one day shy of 40 weeks).  I am SO glad I took it because it is the last picture of me pregnant!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Saturday, June 1, 2012: 39 Weeks

This past week in many ways FLEW by.... In other ways it DRAGGED! 

When comparing my 38 week and 39 week pictures, I have noticed that I am starting to get bigger toward the bottom of my belly... This is hopefully a sign that the big day is right around the corner.  My pelvis and hips have been VERY sore the past few days... Again, another good sign. 

My doctor's appointment this week was quite uneventful.  We did find the heartbeat to be much lower on my abdomen than in my last few appointments.  She will check me this coming week to see how I am progressing.  I made an appointment for after my due date, I am just hoping to get to cancel it.  :)
This upcoming week is the last week of school.  I am SO glad I made it through the school year.  It just means that I get to spend more time with the baby once he/she arrives.