
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Finley's New Pool

We found this pool at a consignment sale in April and it was finally warm enough to use it! 
 We had a 'dry run' in the living room first.
 She very much enjoyed it...
...until there was water in it!  We filled it before we went to the store and left it in the sun thinking the water would warm up... Not so much!
 She would NOT sit down.  She either squatted or stood the majority of the time.
 It was near nap time and bottle time, so maybe that was part of the problem, too!
 Starting to calm down a bit.  Love her face :)

Playing in the mud and grass... and yes, she did put mud in her mouth!! LOL
 ....this may have been what put a smile on her face at last!
 That's more like it!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

A Fabulous Family Day!

Cory has the entire weekend off with Finley and me.  We got a ton of yard work done today and then relaxed this evening out on the deck for dinner.
 Finley got to dine outdoors for the first time.

 She actually liked the pickle!

 Daddy blew bubbles in her face :)
Silly, little monkey!

Finley's First Haircut

We finally caved and decided to get Finley's hair cut.  Her hair is SO straight, it just started to look a lot like a mullet, so it was time. 
 Before from the front...
 ...and the back.
 Lydia was so sweet and gentle with Finley.  Finley saw my lens cap and played with it during the haircut.
 Checking herself out in the mirror.
 Finley watches me blow dry my hair all of the time, but when she was the one getting her hair dried, she didn't know what to think!

 After... Looking more like an almost one-year old and less like a baby.... I must admit I shed a little tear...

 She got a sucker for sitting like such a big girl!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My First Mother's Day

 This is apparently what a zoo trip in May looks like in Wisconsin.  Bundled up and ready for some family fun!
 My hubby surprised me and was able to switch with someone at work so he could spend the day with us.  It was WONDERFUL to be together as a family of 3.
 Stylin' in her new shades
 I couldn't love her more than I do!
 Finley's grandma was snuggling her all day :)
 The last time she was by the baby gorilla she could barely hold her own head up...
 With her cousin, Oliver
 Finley with her cousins

 My whole life
 We stopped to see Godmother after the zoo trip...
...godfather too!
Being a mother has given me a whole new perspective on life.  I have never felt more of a purpose.  It has given me a better understanding of my own parents and the sacrifices they have made for me and the unconditional love that they obviously feel for my brother and I.  I am grateful and humbled that God made me Finley's mom.  Blessed is my life!

11 Months Old!

 Our sweet angel is already 11 months old!  I know I say it every month, but I just can't believe how fast it goes.  I have been telling her a lot lately that it would be ok with me if she stayed little forever.  She is at such a fun age!  Her personality is started to shine through and she is just an absolute joy to be around.  That being said, these monthly pictures have become a serious challenge.  She wants to do anything BUT get her picture taken.
 After pulling the blocks down, she got a hold of the lens cap and thought she was pretty funny.
 After I retrieved the lens cap, she decided to stand up and get the monitor off her nightstand and thought playing with that might be fun.
 This is the only usable shot for her baby book!  LOL!
She took off her daddy's work nametag from his shirt and is examining it while lounging.  What a stinker :)
Finley is standing independently, but doesn't seem terribly interested in taking steps.  She cruises furniture, but so far crawling seems to be her 'go to' to get around.  She is finally feeding herself table food in larger chunks.  We have stopped giving her 'baby food' at this point.  She LOVES lunch meat, cheese, pretty much any fruit, avocado, peas, hot dogs, potatoes, and noodles.  This month she has started to try to mimic our words and they are more noticeable as words and not babble (though she still does that a lot too).  She waves bye-bye and hi whenever we are coming or going.  This month she seems more actively engaged in reading books.  She is turning the pages, holding the books, and seems very interested in the pictures.  We usually read 2-3 a night.  I have been preparing for her first birthday... part of me is excited to celebrate the amazing year we have had as a family and part of me just can't stand the fact that she won't be our little baby anymore.  One thing I do know is that she is SO MUCH FUN right now... :)