
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

9 Month Photo gallery

To see more of her pictures go to:

To see ALL of her pictures go to:
Type in access code:  37024592

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

10 Months Old!

Today is Finley's 10 month birthday!  It is so typical and cliché, but seriously.... Where did the time go???  Tonight when I was getting her ready for bed, I was in awe of just how far she has come in such a short amount of time.  She is the brightest part of everyday and truly is the love of our lives.
When we were on our vacation last week, Cory asked me 'Did you think you would love Finley as much as you do?'  My honest answer to him was 'NO!' Until you are a parent, you simply don't know that love that everyone talks about until you experience it.  It is the most unconditional and true love that one can ever feel.  I feel blessed that God gave Finley to me just so I can feel that!!!!
 This was the very first shot and thank goodness we got it, because Hurricane Finley had other plans for her pictures tonight!
 Cory was here to help... Thank God!
 She got one look at those blocks and just smiled at them and then started picking them up, throwing them, eating them, etc.
 At one point she stood up and was jumping up and down on the chair and screaming SO loud!
 Yes, mom... Can I help you with something???
  Hair pretty was made my the one and only Andrea Luburich :)
This month was INCREDIBLE!  She has become extremely chatty and talkative.  She responds to you when you talk to her with baby babble.  This month it has started to sound more like talking and less of the single consonant sounds.  She is eating SOME of her food in chunks.... She is not a fan of the veggies when served this way, but does well with fruit.  She is now pulling herself up on to EVERYTHING and can also get herself back down to the floor.  She crawls very fast now, too.  She is very aware of the people around her and tries to get into their conversations by yelling, screaming etc.  She also stood on her own (without holding on to anything) for about 10 seconds, 4 different times this past weekend.  To say that Cory and I are terrified of her walking is an understatement!  I continue to baby proof the house as she continues to find things that are unsafe for her.  It is a learning experience :)  We are looking forward to the next month of her life!!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

9 Month Photos

We only have a couple of the pictures back so far, but I thought I would at least share what we have!

A Spring Stroll

Finley, Buffett, and I went for a walk yesterday afternoon. It is hard to believe that when I brought her to daycare in the morning it was pouring!  The forecast for the rest of the week sounded dreadful, so we decided to take advantage of the sunshine!

 Oh my how Buffett has grown over the years.  Before Finley arrived, he would've attacked me for taking his picture.  Now I think he is quite used to hearing/seeing the camera since I am always taking pictures of her!
First attempt... TOO bright :)
 She LOVED bring outside.  She was squealing and 'talking' the entire time we walked.  I plan to make this a daily ritual this summer in the early mornings when we wake up :)

Friday, April 5, 2013

Finley's First Easter

We were gone for Finley's first Easter, but her Godparents, Great Aunt and Uncle, and Nonni and Umpa made it really special for her and took lots of pictures so we could see how much fun she had!  So grateful for all of them for making it so special for her!

Finley is quite enthralled with her doggy 'cousin' Bernice!
 Playing with Godfather
 and Great Aunt Terrie
 Dying Easter eggs with Godfather Lee... apparently she likes to drink vinegar!
 Finley's egg
 Happy girl with her godfather!

 Giving an egg to her doggy cousin, Bernice.
Apparently they taste quite delicious!

Finley's New Favorite Spot

Finley has taken over Buffett's window seat!  She loves going up there to play with her daddy.

 Gee... I think it's time for a haircut!
 She likes to look outside and pound on the windows (she also licks the windows)!

I Gotta Wear Shades

Finley is obsessed with ripping off people's glasses.  So we finally put some on her to try it out ;)
 These are Nonni's reading glasses.  She rather enjoyed them!
 Mommy's sunglasses
Goofy girl!

Cookie time!

 Finley tried some baby cookies for the first time last week.  She loved them :)

New Trick!

I am WAY behind on blog posts!  A couple of weeks ago, we finally found Finley like this after she woke up in the morning!

Big girl standing in her crib!