
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Finley and her electronics....

 Finley was CRABBY this morning... Daddy's iPad is the only thing that would get her to stop crying.  We are thinking there are some more teeth working their way out!
There was a Clifford book playing on it when she was holding it like this.  It cracks me up...She looks like a little adult holding each side :)

Big Girl Bath Time!

 Finley has moved up in the world!  No more baby bathtub insert.  She is taking her baths in the big bathtub now :)

 She has a million bath toys, but her favorite thing to try to play with is the drain cover....

 Rubber ducky, you're the one, you  make bath time lots of fun!
Slow down, kid!  You're growing up toooooo fast!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

All Done!

Ok, so maybe Cory and I are totally off our rockers, but we swear Finley is mimicking us when we say 'All Done' after she is done eating.  We have been doing the sign and saying 'All Done' to her for the past 2 months and we are certain she is trying to say it back :)  Judge for yourselves!

8 Months!

This month FLEW by, once again.  Cory and I were talking last night and we both said that we feel like Finley's 7th month was one of SO many milestones.  She started the month off by getting on all fours... One month later and she crawled for real this morning. :)  This month she also learned how to go from a sitting position, to a crawling position, and back again.  She has started to show some interest in pulling herself up onto furniture.  We have been childproofing the house like crazy.  My next job is the snow globe shelf and moving the crib mattress down to the lowest setting.  
She has tried many new foods and honestly, we can't find one that she doesn't wolf down!  She especially loves bananas, blueberries, peaches, squash, mangoes, and spaghetti.  
This month she also started 'talking' a bit more.  She now says dadadadada and bababababa all of the time.  She hasn't correlated it to meaning yet, but it is still SO cute to hear her little voice.  She has started to say 'mama' towards the end of the month, but it is only when she is mad, upset, or she wants something... HMMMMMMM, that is quite interesting!  She also mimics me after she is done eating and I say 'All Done' by saying 'A Da'.  I got it on video yesterday.  SO cute :)
Finley has had 2 colds this month and her first ear infection.  She has been a trooper through it all.  
Finally, her two bottom teeth finally popped out.  I do miss her toothless grin, but those two little teeth are pretty darn cute.  She laughs when I try to brush them.  It must tickle.  
Finley continues to brighten every single one of our days.  She is truly the greatest blessing.

Geesh... These pics are basically impossible now-a-days.  Here goes nothing!
We were so close...
 Oh boy, here we go...

Finally! One we can use in our monthly timeline for her baby book!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Hamming it up for the camera

 Finley has been hammin' up her smile lately...
Not me momma... I'm innocent as can be!

Friday, February 8, 2013

A Valentine Photo Shoot

 This is such a Finley face!  
We took these pictures a couple of weekends ago.  I don't know HOW my friends that are such amazing photographers do it.  This was a CHALLENGE!!!! Here are a few of my favorites :)
 Her forehead looks really red because I had found an idea on Pinterest to put a kiss mark with red lipstick on her forehead.... YEAH, that didn't go so well.  Apparently my lips just look like a giant, red blob and the lipstick I bought stained her forehead for a couple of hours.  My lips were a different story.  3 days later I could still see stained areas on my lips!

 Ok, mom. I get it! I'm DONE!
 Crawling position!
 Finley's fake cry/half smile!
We love you right back, our little Valentine :)

Finley's First Time in the Snow

I had a half day of school today. Yesterday we got some fresh, new snow, so it seemed like the perfect time for us to finally get out to play in the snow. 
 Finley loved being outdoors and got a kick out of watching her brother play with his ball.

 Getting pulled around!
 Starting to get chilly.
Love her face :)