
Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy Baby!

This video is just an audio clip....It features our sweet girl's little giggle :)

Pumpkin Carving

 Cory had this past weekend off...Yes, BOTH days without requesting them off!  Unheard of!!!  We had such an amazing weekend spending time together.  After we put Finley to bed, we carved our pumpkins!

Our little love bug :)

 Finley hadn't taken a long nap in weeks, of course the day of trick-or-treating she decides to sleep for over 2 hours... until there is about 10 minutes left!  So she was a little 'out of it' for trick-or-treating!
 We visited our neighbors John and Sally, Peg and Karl, and Helene and John.

Pumpkin Exploration

 Finley is checking out three different patterns for her pumpkin.

 She ended up 'picking' the middle picture. By picking I mean, she drooled all over that one :)

 She was very interested in touching the seeds and pumpkin guts.

 Well, I guess we won't need that carving pattern.... She flailed her arms in excitement and shoved her pumpkin on to the floor.... it cracked open! LOL!
 Of course she had pumpkin on her face....

....and tried to eat it too :)

On Wisconsin!

Finley, like her Daddy is a HUGE Bucky fan!  Here they are together before the game on Saturday!

Pumpkin Patch....again!

 Nonni came down after she was released from the hospital.  She stayed at Aunt Terrie and Uncle Barry's house and between me, Aunt Lois, Aunt Terrie and Uncle Barry she was very well taken care of.  One week after her surgery she was getting a bit stir crazy and wanted some fresh air, so we decided to head out to Pearce's Farm Stand. 
Froggy Finley
 Finley is quite fond of her Great Aunt Terrie
 Nonni said that having Finley around was the best 'medicine'....better than anything in a bottle :)

 Finley and the great pumpkin!
 Finley is also very fond of her Great-Great Aunt Lois
It was a beautiful day filled with family memories <3

Monday, October 15, 2012

Green Beans!

 I have been a busy mommy the last couple of days.  I dove into my first attempt at making baby food.  I made green beans, peas, swaccoli (sweet potato and broccoli), and apples.  It was very easy, but time consuming.  We will see if I stick with it once I go back to school.  For now, I have a good stockpile in the freezer of at least those items!
 After some stellar advice from my mommy friends, I started with green beans.  Finley gagged a little, but never spit any out intentionally.  She is doing a great job pushing the food back to her throat.
 She likes to gnaw on the spoon.
 Gotta love when they sneeze with food in their mouth... The results are disastrous!

Thank God for plastic bibs :)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Cereal...Yum, Yum!

Our pediatrician, Dr. Lyon (we LOVE her) gave us the green light to give Finley cereal and baby food at her appointment yesterday.  She has more than doubled her birth weight and can sit with support.  She looked at her lower gum line and as I suspected she noticed some swelling where Finley is starting to get her two front teeth.  She said they might pop out anytime, but could take as long as a month too.  We will keep an eye on them :)
First time having we go....

 Her initial face she made was priceless!

 I think she likes what she actually kept in her mouth!
 LOL!  Which wasn't very much at all!
 Cleaning herself up :)  She had cereal again today and did an AWESOME job keeping it in her mouth.  She ate about 7 spoonfuls and was able to swallow most of it.  Hmmmm, I wonder what we will try next....

Finley 'Reads' a book :)

 Finley is finally starting to show some interest in books, much to her teacher mommy's delight :)
 Of course she has to put them in her mouth...

"Oh, Hi mommy... I was just getting to the good part"